• CSIRO Kensington (map)
  • 26 Dick Perry Avenue
  • Kensington, WA, 6151
  • Australia

CSIRO will hold its annual exploration seminar on Friday 13 March, to highlight the latest research and developments into exploration concepts and tools, and provide a platform to share capabilities and road map future research with industry.

The event will include posters showcasing the diversity of research in CSIRO Mineral Resources, demonstrations of new CSIRO-developed digital tools, including Data Mosaic and the Geophysical Toolkit, and a panel discussion on Finding Australia’s Next Tier 1 Deposits.

Presentations will be split into four sessions:

  • The Cover Challenge

  • New Exploration tools: Vectors for Mineralising Systems

  • New Exploration Tools: Domain + Digital

  • Understanding Mineral Systems Using X-Rays, Lasers, and Electrons

The panel will include senior CSIRO researchers and industry representatives to provide an opportunity for open discussion on the challenges currently being faced and anticipated in the future of exploration, and how we might work together to tackle them.


Friday 13 March 2020
8.30am - 5pm

26 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington WA

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Limited places are available. For more information and to register, visit the website.