The stage was swept by Newmont Goldcorp Australia and Anglogold Ashanti Australia emergency response teams at the 9th annual MERC’s presentation night, taking out overall second and third places along with several scenario wins and the Best Medic award.
As the MERC’s chosen Industry Partner, the Gold Industry Group proudly supported the 2019 Mining Emergency Response Competition (MERC) alongside two gold mining teams and 12 others from across Western Australia including one from Indonesia, as they competed at Langley Park in Perth from 22 to 24 November.
The Gold Industry Group (GIG) is proud to be the Industry Partner of the ninth annual Mining and Emergency Response Competition, held in Perth from 22 to 24 November 2019.
The GIG will provide two free mental health workshops, courtesy of community partner LIVIN, to almost 200 emergency response personnel, event marshals and volunteers.
Members put their life saving skills to the test during a weekend of challenges at the 2019 Chamber of Minerals and Energy (CME) Surface Mine Emergency Response Competition, held over 25 and 26 May at Hannans North Tourist Mine.
Competing teams included: KCGM, Gold Fields (Combined), St Barbara Limited (Leonora), Evolution Mining (Mungari), Northern Star Resources, Saracen Mineral Holdings (Carosue Dam) and BHP (Northern Operations).
Go behind the scenes with Gold Fields’ Emergency Response team and watch a live training drill at stop 6 on the Kalgoorlie #heartofgold Discovery Trail.
Find the Saint Barbara statue to uncover the critical role that all emergency response teams play in modern mining operations and their local communities.