Respectful Workplace Resources</p> — Gold Industry Group

The following Respectful Workplaces resources are free for our members to access and utilise within their own organisation. These assets have been developed and provided by Gold Fields Australia, however, If you wish to customise them with your branding and corporate messaging, such as values and purpose statements, please feel free to reach out to

Poster Set


Regular dialogue builds positive relationships between people and fosters an environment of psychological safety and trust.

This 18-page poster set outlines various scenarios in the workplace and helps teams recognise respectful behaviour, unwelcome behaviour, the difference between intent and impact, how to speak up, and how to be an ally.

10 Steps Brochure


This brochure outlines 10 key steps for organisations to follow when creating a respectful workplace.

This behavior-change-based and leader-led approach aims to prevent harm before it occurs and can be adapted to each organisation’s unique structure, size, and internal processes.

Blank Poster


This blank poster in various sizes can be modified with other important messaging you wish to convey.